Saturday, August 21, 2010

The best one for internet user

The news is about the newest google chrome version. It is V8. It can be available both languages are Thai and English. It is developed to be easier to use, and now we can download from google website. Andrew McGlinchey said Google Chrome enabled users to quickly, easily and securely interact with the websites and applications they cared about. Because many Thais people like spending their times to the internet, so they really need some website browser to comfort them.

In my opinion, there is a lot of website browser to choose, but its operation is not good enough to use in the current. It has various bad factors when we are surfing the internet, but now we have the best one that can enable us dirive easier way. I think it is establish to internet user directly.


Text wordcount = 138

Frequency of list words detected = 8

Rounded Coverage = 6%

Words found

available = (1)

establish = (1)

factors = (1)

securely = (1)

interact = (1)

enable = (1)

enabled = (1)

version = (1)


Text wordcount = 138

Frequency of list words detected = 96

Rounded Coverage = 70%

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